
Cloud Management Solutions for modern day Enterprise Cloud Applications.

Happy New Year 2025

Happy New Year 2025 from Amenesik



The MICROSOFT WSL tool (Windows Sub System for LINUX) allows the installation of a LINUX system alongside a WINDOWS system.

The newly installed LINUX system can access the WINDOWS files through the logical drives declared under the /mnt folder

The WINDOWS system can access the LINUX files via the WINDOWS FILE EXPLORER through the \\wsl$SYSTEM-NAME folder

The programs running on the LINUX system can access the internet ports and services of the WINDOWS system.

The programs running on the WINDOWS system can access the internet ports and services of the LINUX system.

This allows perfect integration between the two systems.


The MYSQL, POSTGRES, MARIADB and ODBC versions of Open Abal and LTS for UBUNTU 20.04 can be installed on a UBUNTU 20.04 WSL system.

Open Abal applications can be developed on Windows using the WABAL64DEV package which contains the Open Abal Development tools for Windows :

  1. otr64.exe
  2. old64.exe
  3. ao64.exe
  4. amake64.exe
  5. genmake64.exe
  6. avnor.exe
  7. sandr.exe

The resulting programs can then be launched under LTS on the WSL UBUNTU machine using your WINDOWS WEB browser.

For further information concerning OPEN ABAL with WSL please contact AMENESIK or SOLOGIC.


INXSQL, The SQL database interface of Open Abal, has been adapted to offer database access via ODBC .

The ODBCversion of Open Abal has been tested with the following database engines:


The ODBCversion of Open Abal is currently available for the following operating systems:

  1. Ubuntu 20.04
  2. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.3

This version of Open Abal is currently available for down load from the AMENESIK Open Abal depot.


The start of the year 2024 has seen a huge evolution concerning Amenesik Enterprise Cloud and the Amenesik Cloud Engine.

The Amenesik Enterprise Cloud and the underlying Amenesik Cloud Engine have been extended to offer fully automated and BEAM modelled open-standards, name-spaced KUBERNETES container deployment.

  1. The Amenesik Enterprise Cloud now exposes a standard KUBERNETES Control Plane API allowing the management of :
    • Namespaces may be created, inspected, listed and deleted.
    • Pod Templatesmay be listed.
    • Secrets may be created, inspected, listed and deleted.
    • Config Maps may be created, inspected, listed and deleted.
    • Deployments, Jobs and Pods may be created, inspected, listed and deleted.
  2. The production of OCI Image Manifests and associated OCI Image Indexes by the ACE TOSCA BEAM processor allows ubiquitous use of all subsequent BEAM application models for both container and virtual machine deployment alike.
  3. The new KUBERNETES provisioning category allows container provisioning to be modelled and performed in BEAM documents in exactly the same manner as for virtual machine deployments.
  4. The new AMENESIKGKS provisioning category allows container provisioning to be performed through the KUBERNETES Control Plane API of the Amenesik Enterprise Cloud .
  5. The new AMENESIKEKS provisioning category allows container provisioning to be performed through the KUBERNETES Control Plane API of the AMAZON AWS ELASTIC KONTAINER SERVICE .
  6. The COSACS end point controller has been extended to allow container provisioning to be performed by ACE on deployed virtual machine workloads.

Open Abal News

The start of the year 2024 has seen a huge evolution concerning Open Abal.

  1. Open Abal is now available for the following operating systems and open-source database engines:

    • Ubuntu 20.04
      • MySQL
      • MariaDB
      • PostgreSQL
    • Red Hat Enterprise Linux RHEL 9.3
      • MySQL
      • MariaDB
      • PostgreSQL


    These versions are all available for deployment in the cloud using the Amenesik Enterprise Cloud.


  2. A new feature has been added to the Open Abal language allowing the declaration of SQL COLUMNS ( OPEN ABAL KEYS ) and SQL INDEXES (OPEN ABAL LINKS ) on the PRIMARY INDEX of SQL TABLES ( OPEN ABAL MULTIPLE INDEX SEQUENTIAL INDEX FILES ).

    The full collection of KEY types are available for definition of KEY/LINKS on the PRIMARY INDEX.

    • KA : declares a traditional BINARY string COLUMN/KEY.
    • KB : declares a traditional BCD (binary coded decimal) NUMERIC COLUMN/KEY.
    • KD : declares a numeric Y% M# D# formatted DATE COLUMN/KEY.
    • KF : declares a four byte FLOAT or 8 byte DOUBLE COLUMN/KEY.
    • KH : declares a 64 bit integer COLUMN/KEY.
    • KL : declares a 32 bit integer COLUMN/KEY.
    • KS : declares a UTF8 string COLUMN/KEY.
    • KT : declares a numeric H# M# S# formatted TIME COLUMN/KEY.

Happy New Year 2024

Happy New Year 2024 from Amenesik

Open Abal Conegliano

Open Abal Logo


A presentation of Open Abal was held on the 9th October 2023, in Conegliano, Treviso, Italia.

For all of those of you that were present at this meeting, and have received your connection details:

Open Abal – Documentation

The following documents, relating to the Linux Version of Open Abal, are now available for download

Open Abal – Visual Library

The Open Abal Visual Library has been ported and qualified for use with ABAL applications on UBUNTU and REDHAT operating systems.

The documentation of the library has been completely rewritten providing precise details of all function call options.

Open Abal – Parquet

The new version of ABAL, known as Open Abal has been extended by the addition of a PARQUET reader and writer library.This allows a direct connection between Open Abal applications and third party Big Data processing systems and platforms.

The PARQUET Writer section of the library offers the following functions:

  1. Parquet Create File
  2. Parquet Create Column
  3. Parquet Write Row
  4. Parquet Flush

The PARQUET Reader section of the library offers the following functions:

  1. Parquet Open File
  2. Parquet Get Column Count
  3. Parquet Get Row Count
  4. Parquet Read Row
  5. Parquet Close

The PARQUET Writer and Reader functions can handle the following encodings

  • RLE Hybrid

and can handle fragmented files stored across multiple file locations.

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